Join the Movement

Imagine living in a place just out of hope’s reach. A place where you felt surrounded by darkness. What if you were searching for the truth but only found more questions?

Around the world, millions of people feel trapped in this reality, lost and forgotten. Many are desperate for a healing touch or a miracle, but most of all they are hungry hearts needing divine intervention from their Creator.

As revealed in Supernatural Encounters, God is working through the Holy Spirit each and every day. Through his grace, chains are broken, the demonic is conquered, and hope is restored through the power of the cross. Remember, the most supernatural event anyone can experience is surrendering their heart to Jesus.

Each day, Daystar takes this message across the earth. It’s our mission to reach every broken and hurting soul with the only force in the universe that can truly set someone free – God’s love.

By getting involved and giving another heart the opportunity to meet the Lord right where they are, you’re not just making a difference. You’re saving a life. So join us on our mission to transform the world by bringing the Gospel to those who so urgently need it. Click the link below to find out more about how you can get involved today.

Next Steps

The goal in making Supernatural Encounters has always been about revealing the true nature and character of God. Click the button at the right to find out more about how you can get started today.